Graduate Program – Core Abilities

Core Abilities of Graduate ProgramDefinition of Core Ability Indicators
International Trade and
Business Operation Ability
To offer international trade and business operation knowledge fulfilling future job needs; the international trade knowledge and skills are needed for students to learn.
International Operation Problem Integration and Reaction AbilityTo integrate different opinions or objects into new entity, to see problem from different viewpoints and angles through feedbacks and learning in order to meet changing environment.
International Operation Innovation and Research Analysis AbilityTo equip innovative thinking ability and to utilize necessary knowledge, skills,
and attitude to solve problems.
International Operation Practice and Application AbilityTo use the knowledge of international trade and business operation and the reorganized knowledge to apply to daily life and work.
Social Responsibility Implementation AbilityTo use all kinds of skills and things to improve living environment.  To fulfill citizen social responsibility and to pursue truth for cultural heritage and public welfare.
Human Care and
Service Learning Ability
To respect uniqueness of individual and the value of life, to use love as driving principle,  to accept others by using professional knowledge of science and humanitarian, to help others, the responsibility to respect life of human beings.
Active Learning and
Adapting Pressure Ability
To have honesty and courage in facing ourselves, to develop our potential continuously so to equip facing pressure and adapting pressure ability.
International Coordination
and Communication ability
To exchange opinions with domestic and foreign groups and individually in
different forms and to coordinate with one another to achieve assignment goals.
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