錠嵂保險經紀人尖兵計畫,取得壽險證照就送iPad 2023-04-25 最新消息 / 系辦公告 You Might Also Like 圖書館【專題讀書會】及【英文線上讀書會】開放申請囉! 2023-02-24 113-2 (2025春季班) 赴國際姊妹校交換申請公告-第一梯次 2025 Spring semester International Exchange Student Program, 1st Call 2024-08-14 (重要)公告113-2學期選課報報 (12/4起開放預排功課表功能) Announcement of Course Selection Guideline & Schedule for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 2024-12-09
113-2 (2025春季班) 赴國際姊妹校交換申請公告-第一梯次 2025 Spring semester International Exchange Student Program, 1st Call 2024-08-14
(重要)公告113-2學期選課報報 (12/4起開放預排功課表功能) Announcement of Course Selection Guideline & Schedule for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 2024-12-09