113學年度第1學期研究生「學位考試進度通知」、「中原大學碩博士論文撰寫格式規範」及「中原大學研究生離校注意事項」113-1 semester “Notice of Degree examination Schedule” , ” CYCU Guidelines about the Format of Thesis ” and ” CYCU Information about the Graduation Procedures for Postgraduate ” for Postgraduates














I. The Dates for Degree Examination:

     A. Degree Examination Application

(1) PhD:From now to Jan. 31st, 2025.

(2) Mater:From Oct. 21st to Nov. 15th.

     B. The deadline for Degree Exam Application:Jan. 31st, 2025.

II. Inquiry: i-touch (Log into) – Advanced Study – Study abroad – Degree Exam Application。

III. Professors should fully implement quality of thesis, which could not be deviated from the professional field of the department (or institute or degree program). The primary draft thesis/dissertation has been approved by the review committee of the department (institute, degree program) which meets the requirements for the professional qualification and submit the report of thesis comparison system by CYCU Chang Ching Yu Memorial Library before applying degree examination. Then, Students are allowed to send their degree examination applications.

IV. The Oral Exam Committee Member Letter of Appointment has been changed to an electronic format, which can be downloaded or printed by students as needed to send it with the oral paper. Or the instructor provides the letter of engagement on the day of the oral exam. The letter of engagement could be regarded as the access pass on campus and sent by e-mail.

V. After completing the degree examination, all degree examination committee members should sign in the committee column of the Degree Approval Form.

VI. The thesis/dissertation is based on the open to the public. Delaying release date of the thesis/dissertation to National Central Library is required. Please fill in “Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation” and attach supporting documents to the Curriculum and Registration Division. Please download from the website https://reurl.cc/v0zeMA.

VII. Those who have not taken the degree examination this semester should submit “The Degree Exam Withdrawal Application Form” which has been signed by both the advisor and the Department Chairperson before Jan. 31st, 2025.

VIII. “Notice of Degree examination Schedule” ,” CYCU Guidelines about the Format of Thesis “ and ” CYCU Information about the Graduation Procedures for Postgraduate “can be downloaded from CYCU – Administrative Unit – Academic Affairs Office – Administrative Announcement.

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