
我們將隨機抽選 100位幸運同學,送出精美小禮物,讓學習滿載歡樂🎁

📅 填寫時間: 2024/12/16 – 2025/1/12
🔗 問卷連結: https://forms.gle/1U6BE2NKgCSn5BZ37

自12/16起,管理大樓1樓公告欄將張貼相關海報,同學可直接掃描QR Code填寫喔!



📅 填寫時間: 2024/12/19 – 2025/1/12
🔗 問卷連結:  https://forms.gle/s1Gb3NmbQTFscLTDA

Dear EMI Teaching Assistants,
As the end of the semester approaches, we invite you to join a simple yet meaningful activity!
We have prepared an EMI Teaching Assistant Survey to hear your thoughts and suggestions about your experiences this semester. Whether it’s your TA work, classroom interactions, or challenges you’ve faced, your feedback is invaluable to us!

✨Why fill out the survey?
1️ Your valuable input will help us enhance EMI courses and improve the support system for teaching assistants!
2️ Complete the survey and start the new year with good vibes and positivity! 🎉

👉Survey Period: 2024/12/19 – 2025/1/12
👉Survey Linkhttps://forms.gle/s1Gb3NmbQTFscLTDA

Thank you for your dedication and support. Together, let’s continue to improve the quality of EMI teaching and TA services! Wishing you a smooth end to the semester and a joyful winter break!



承辦人:商學院 雙語計畫專案助理 黎美秀Grace💝

03-2655005 /管理105室

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