最新消息 最新消息 轉知【113-1期末教學評量﹝有抽獎活動!!﹞】 填問卷有機會抽『平板』、『AirPods』等大獎唷~~~填答時間:113/12/9~114/1/5 113-1 Semester Course survey 113/12/9-114/1/5 2024-12-13 【轉知公告】113-2學期選課報報 (12/11至12/15 第一階段登記) Announcement of Course Selection Guideline & Schedule for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 2024-12-12 【轉知】國貿系生涯規劃課程專題演講 2024-12-11 (重要)公告113-2學期選課報報 (12/4起開放預排功課表功能) Announcement of Course Selection Guideline & Schedule for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 2024-12-09 113學年度第2學期申請修讀微型學程通過名單 2024-12-06 113學年度第2學期申請修讀跨領域學分學程通過名單 2024-12-05 113-2「企業實習」(二)課程修課登記 2024-12-05 轉知「赴海外線上說明會&面談會 諾丁漢特倫特大學 NTU Overseas Online Info Session & Meeting」 2024-12-05 113-1學期系主任導師時間 2024-12-04 113-2學期各開課單位輔系/雙主修 選課資訊公告 CYCU 113-2 semester Announcement of each course providing unit on Course Selection information about Minor/Double major students 2024-12-03 【輔系/雙主修】113學年度第2學期輔系、雙主修申請修讀核准名單【Minor/Double Major】113-2 semester Minor/Double Major Application Approved List 2024-12-03 2024.11.28「生涯規劃專題」課程講座 2024-12-02 113學年度第2學期校際選課作業 2024-12-02 公告113-2學期選課報報 (12/4起開放預排功課表功能) Announcement of Course Selection Guideline & Schedule for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 2024-11-27 國貿系線上表單選課須知 2024-11-25 頁面1 頁面2 頁面3 頁面4 頁面5
轉知【113-1期末教學評量﹝有抽獎活動!!﹞】 填問卷有機會抽『平板』、『AirPods』等大獎唷~~~填答時間:113/12/9~114/1/5 113-1 Semester Course survey 113/12/9-114/1/5 2024-12-13
【轉知公告】113-2學期選課報報 (12/11至12/15 第一階段登記) Announcement of Course Selection Guideline & Schedule for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 2024-12-12
(重要)公告113-2學期選課報報 (12/4起開放預排功課表功能) Announcement of Course Selection Guideline & Schedule for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 2024-12-09
113-2學期各開課單位輔系/雙主修 選課資訊公告 CYCU 113-2 semester Announcement of each course providing unit on Course Selection information about Minor/Double major students 2024-12-03
【輔系/雙主修】113學年度第2學期輔系、雙主修申請修讀核准名單【Minor/Double Major】113-2 semester Minor/Double Major Application Approved List 2024-12-03
公告113-2學期選課報報 (12/4起開放預排功課表功能) Announcement of Course Selection Guideline & Schedule for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 2024-11-27